
Strong Body

Strong Mind


Aerobics, Strength & Conditioning

Ocean Fitness Aerobics, Strength and Conditioning classes are primarily designed to achieve a full body workout session that delivers results. With a wide range of classes available you get to choose your favorite.

At the beginning of each class your instructor will guide you through a detailed and effective warm up routine to loosen out tight muscles, increase blood circulation and prepare you for your workout.

Strengthen your body using resistance exercises interspersed with high intensity moves that build intensity throughout your workout. Increase your speed and power with plyometric training. Quick and explosive movements that are incorporated into a full body workout design to build a high functioning, well rounded physique.

Whether you are trying to improve your mile time or get more out of your spinning classes, metabolic conditioning is for you. Strength exercises are broken up with short periods of maximal effort exercises to improve your athletic output. By working at high intensity which torches calories and then creates an oxygen debt, or excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This means your body continues to burn calories long after class (The Afterburn Effect).

Every class is made up of constantly varied, low-intensity or high-intensity movements depending on the class. With new exercises, time limits, rounds and repetitions each week. You may be squatting, jumping, pressing or swinging but you’ll never be bored.

Before leaving your instructor will guide you through a cool down phase by slowly bringing your heart rate down and stretching out each muscle.

Key Benefits

Improve overall strength and fitness level

Increased energy levels

Feel more confident in yourself

Build better movement patterns

Increase flexibility


Ocean Pump

An exhilarating aerobic workout using weighted barbells and dumbbells. This class is designed to give you a total body workout, burn fat & tone up your entire body.

Difficulty - Beginner/intermediate


This class utilizes all kinds of exercise and equipment varying from strength work to cardiovascular endurance and even high-intensity anaerobic exercises. This class may include more complex exercises and therefore may not be perfectly suitable for beginners or those with limited ability.

Difficulty- Intermediate/advanced

Dance Hiit

A hiit class like no other. Shed weight and get fit in this incredible high-intensity dance class. This energetic class is catered to all levels of fitness and guarantees to put a smile on your face.

Difficulty - Beginner/advanced


The slow-paced class focused on increasing strength and body composition, working with barbells, dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises in a controlled way.

Difficulty - Beginner/advanced

Fitness Over 55

Resistance workout with weights or bands. With some cardio added in. Aimed at people over 55yo.

Difficulty - Beginner/Advanced

Steps Aerobics

High-intensity class with some dance routines and weights.

Difficulty - Beginner/advanced



A 60-minute advanced workout that hits every muscle from head to toe. It involves bodyweight exercises, free weights, and high-intensity cardio exercises.

6 banks of exercises, 5 exercises in each bank, one minute(ish) per exercise.

Difficulty - Intermediate/advanced



This exhilarating high-intensity duo will challenge you right until the end. Combining Tabata and Spinning for an overall full-body workout.

Difficulty - Intermediate/advanced


Using primarily kettlebells and body-weight this high-intensity class with short rest periods will work your cardiovascular and muscular system like no other. Work for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat.

Difficulty - Intermediate/advanced

Sweat 45’

High-intensity class, a mixture of cardio, weights, and bodyweight exercises, varies in each class.

Difficulty - Intermediate/advanced


This is a 45-minute class for all levels of ability. This is low-impact Hiit.

A great full-body workout with minimum high impact on the body.

Difficulty - Beginner/intermediate