Ocean Fitness is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of all the children and young people.

Ocean Fitness is committed to promoting the rights of the child, including the participation of children and young people in matters that affect them.

Ocean Fitness aims to create a safe and healthy environment for the young people with whom it works and is committed at all times to ensuring their safety and welfare.

  • Communication: Adequate communication pathways will be applied to any allegations of incidents of child abuse. It must be made perfectly clear that any information that a child may say to a team member must be treated as genuine and investigated fully by the child protection officer. Information should be kept strictly confidential and on a need to know basis.

  • Monitoring & Supervision: Child Protection will be monitored by theDesignated Child Protection Officer of the company and reported on to the management annually with recommendations and or improvements to be made.

  • Recruitment & Vetting: All staff will be required to complete a Garda Vetting registration form upon their recruitment. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the offer of a vacancy being rebuked.

  • Training & Awareness: All staff will be trained and made aware of this policy and how to be compliant with its requirements.

  • Inductions: All staff will have a section in their induction pack containing the details of the child protection policy and will be required to declare their adherence to the policy within.

  • Recording & Information Sharing: It must be made clear that whilst any information relating to a particular incident and or event will be kept in the strictest confidence, it may be necessary yet reveal information to management and or the Child Protection Officer of the company in order to investigate further possible allegations or incidents on CCTV or other such methods.

  • Managing allegations or incidents within your organisation: The designated child protection officer appointment will be responsible together with the company management for investigation allegations and or incidents within the organisation.